Department of Neurology & Neuro surgery
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- Department of Neurology & Neuro surgery
- 24 x 7 Stroke care:Thrombolysis, Mechanical thrombectomy.Epilepsy.
- Neuro ICU: Brain infections / Demyelination / Myasthenia gravis / GBS.
- Parkinson disease / Migraine.
- Paediatric Neurology: Epilepsy / Developmental disorders.
- Neuro ophthalmology / Vertigo centre.
- Head Injury / Spinal Injury
- CT(Computed Tomography Scan)
- 64 slices per rotation
- 192 slices per second.
- MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
- 32 channels – Reduce scan time
- Siemens 9 inches C-arm Image Intensifier with Dual Monitors and DSA Upgradeable.
- CTSP (Cape Town Stereotactic Pointer) for minimally invasive Neuro Surgical procedure.
- Carl Zeiss Microscope.
- CUSA for tumour removal.
- Medtronic Drill System.
- Well-equipped ICU with latest life saving equipment’s.